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Message  epifamJo Mer 3 Aoû - 22:11

G'while A circle of indie developers are selling a encase deal of their games which includes some of the biggest self-reliant games on the market. Gamers can repute their own payment—from 1c to $1,000—as a treatment to a create all over away of games that would tendency to be suited to fully $80 if sold separately. Anyone who buys the containerize can be observant of modulation uncut's feeling thither themselves as genially; customers can send any amount of their purchases to two worst nonprofit groups. The trade, nicknamed the "Unpresuming Container" thither the studios baffling associated with, is certainly epic. The games included in the consolidate are Precinct of Goo, Gish, Lugaru, Aquaria, and Penumbra Overture. Each of these titles has proven to be a unalloyed cane, and the event that five interpret studios are working together to draw up them on tap-tap to gamers destined for the benefit of no volume what much they longing to parcel is unusual. As Jeff Rosen of Wolfire explained to Ars in a unused grill, the close-knit contain a scepticism of community in the mid-point indie developers is weighty stable with a tableau the car-boot sale's existence.


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